National Coalition for Police & Troopers

Thank you for your pledge to our nation's Officers!

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Contributions to the National Coalition for Police & Troopers are not charitable contributions and are not deductible as charitable contributions for State and Federal income tax purposes.



YOUR Nation's Officers

Our Mission is finding and supporting strong candidates and current elected officials who will fight tirelessly for:.

  • Legislation and policy that promotes the safety of our nation's officers and their families
  • Increased punishment for crimes against law enforcement officers and increased officer protection
  • Tougher penalties on attackers of Law Enforcement Officers
  • Tougher penalties for repeat offenders of violent crimes

These are America's heroes. They are your sons and daughters, your neighbors, the folks sitting next to you in the stands at the high school football games. Law Enforcement Officers need elected officials who will support the legislation that will help them train, obtain proper equipment and will pass legislation that will see that the small fraction of people who prey on our weakest are held accountable.

Our Officers Deserve Our Respect & Support

Reasons to Support

First responders place themselves directly in harm’s way and face disasters every day while protecting and serving our communities. We owe it to these brave men and women to assure that the right elected leaders are in place to press for legislation that will protect them while they risk their lives for us.

How we make change happen

Your contributions will provide resources for our coalition to identify and support those candidates who will push hard for:

  • Legislation & policy that promotes the safety of our law enforcement officers
  • Legislation that helps them go home safe and secure every night and at the end of their careers
  • Prompting legislators to protect the benefits of the families of law enforcement officers who are killed protecting our lives and freedoms
  • Making available the tools and resources needed by these men and women to do their jobs safely and effectively